Sustainable Development Goals Calendar Illustration:
Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Community

Sustainable Development Goals 12:
Responsible Consumption and Production

Sustainable Development Goals 10:
Reduce Inequality

Little Witch pretends to be a regular kid on Halloween day to get some candies.

Happy Halloween Card Illustration

It’s the season of delicious pumpkin and squash!

Commissioned work for a restaurant. 餐廳海報。

Commissioned work for a restaurant. 餐廳海報。


Personal Work. 個人作品。
Personal Work.

Personal work.

Personal Work. 個人作品。

Illustration of the Movie “Joy.”

Illustration about reversing the age of your mind.

Motion spot about fragile masculinity.

Illustrated journal of my first time going into an isolation chamber.

Personal Work.

A page from the zine “ My 4th Grade Diary. ”

Illustration about the “timeless design” of the Mid Century Modern Furniture.

Illustration about difficulties to obtain healthcare for undocumented immigrants.

Motion illustration on becoming a wine expert.

Motion Spot about Fragile Masculinity.

Illustration of a fake cowboy.

Illustrated and animated by Vivian Wang

Illustration about Speech filtering.

Spot illustration about royal secrets.

Personal Work.

Illustrated journal of my first experience going to the LA Art Show.

Illustration about the potential for peace if all people work together.

Illustration of Trump making a decision of whom to hire.

Illustration of President Trump vs. the weight of the world.

Personal Work.

A page form the Haiti Children’s Book Project.

Map of 99 Ranch Market in the greater Los Angelos Region.

Personal Work. Silk Screen print.

Sustainable Development Goals Calendar Illustration:
Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Community
Sustainable Development Goals 12:
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Development Goals 10:
Reduce Inequality
Little Witch pretends to be a regular kid on Halloween day to get some candies.
Happy Halloween Card Illustration
It’s the season of delicious pumpkin and squash!
Commissioned work for a restaurant. 餐廳海報。
Commissioned work for a restaurant. 餐廳海報。
Personal Work. 個人作品。
Personal Work.
Personal work.
Personal Work. 個人作品。
Illustration of the Movie “Joy.”
Illustration about reversing the age of your mind.
Motion spot about fragile masculinity.
Illustrated journal of my first time going into an isolation chamber.
Personal Work.
A page from the zine “ My 4th Grade Diary. ”
Illustration about the “timeless design” of the Mid Century Modern Furniture.
Illustration about difficulties to obtain healthcare for undocumented immigrants.
Motion illustration on becoming a wine expert.
Motion Spot about Fragile Masculinity.
Illustration of a fake cowboy.
Illustrated and animated by Vivian Wang
Illustration about Speech filtering.
Spot illustration about royal secrets.
Personal Work.
Illustrated journal of my first experience going to the LA Art Show.
Illustration about the potential for peace if all people work together.
Illustration of Trump making a decision of whom to hire.
Illustration of President Trump vs. the weight of the world.
Personal Work.
A page form the Haiti Children’s Book Project.
Map of 99 Ranch Market in the greater Los Angelos Region.
Personal Work. Silk Screen print.